Come on in!

Who are we? My partner (Bob) and I (Solus) are so glad to have your participation in this sharing we all refer to as ‘Effervescent Moments.” Have you ever felt trapped in your own skin with no way out? We have, and the navigation and efforts we have used may just help you find your own path through the clutter and into your personal effervescence. In 2009, we began the journey to free our souls and begin life anew. The bridge, for me, to crawl out from under the, ‘Victim of circumstance’ mindset and the ‘Lead or be led’ theory was to ‘Grow out loud’ and stop being trapped.

Why do Bob and I do this? Come on in and see what you look at from a different perspective and see where we are as individuals and how to build change using chronocological efforts Bob and I give to stimulate your own bricks for growth and create new positive life right here on earth! Okay! This is a quick summary of a lot of information that will be revealed as we go along sharing with one another. You can bring in your own place of being and we can all shovel the dirt and find a new opening to help see through what blocks your own personal vision. Giving tools to help others find their own will give more tools to grow more love around our world. All we ask is respect! There is a parameter or boundary we set for ourselves that keep us where we are…that’s respect! If you do not know the word well, we will mention it often and build the foundation of this togetherness with it.

What will you get from all of this? Come on in and find or refine the journey that completes you, makes you strong, full, light and courageous! Join in a conversation by replying to blogs, listen to a video and email questions or join a group, course or one on one scheduled on our calendar. Make suggestions and participate in anything that will help you understand yourself. All we have to offer is us. We honor your presence and welcome your voice and experience.

Solus & Bob