Solus's Latest Posts
Beware, if it is someone else’s idea.

It has taken me a lifetime to learn the ramifications of spending energy on what does not belong to me. It has nothing to do about what is right or wrong. Also it’s not a matter of good or bad. It is about commission. Also words like interest, satisfaction, enjoyment, etc would be applicable. I […]

The Untold Story Remembering the day the wiser one may not be who you are as of yet, but that was not the course of your life. It was way more fun to feel the sincerity underneath the words that MUST be profound because he’s ‘Dad.’ It may not always be the case that […]
No Place to Go

Hi! I want to speak to this place, this feeling of despair. It’s is a frightening place to be, whether it’s a momentary victimization of circumstance or a place in life that pulled the earth out from under your feet. It is usually unexpected, but if it happens more than once, you can begin to […]

When you look at the number 80 it looks to be very smooth. There are no sharp edges. The number 8 is the combination of two round circles joined together and the 0 stands on it’s own. Unlike a lot of the numbers leading up to 80, many of them have sharp corners and lines […]
One Great Big Day

I see my ‘self’ living life…but not one day at a time…just a flow of atoms with a place to go, but I don’t know where that place is. I haven’t always seen life this way. It started after a life of losing everything over and over again. You see, I thought since I hurt […]
Words Sound Pretty

Hi Me! Yep, Here I am with my pants down. I want to speak about evolvement from where I came from, without the evolving words! Why? Because one thing that crawls under my skin is when I write something in the deepest way and the words strive to go there with me…then…another Human Being knocks […]
Self – Sabotage to Victory

Wow! Earlier in the blogs I shared my feelings on victimization from where I was in my understanding and experience…Now I am sharing with myself the experience of self – sabotage and how I am experiencing it at present. I have a new life the past 10 years…a new life with support and the freedom […]

When I speak out loud I am talking to myself. I want to hear what I say. This was not always true. I used to speak so others would hear me. When I spoke to others I wanted them to understand me for me. Now I want to practice the language of understanding. It is […]

The excavation continues as I look at things from this way and that. It isn’t just a mental thing, but a chronological order of understanding my own experiences and people revealing their own personal understanding of theirs. A while ago I was addressing my fears and now, having stepped back a while I can see […]